
Camp Lejeune Contaminated Water Lawsuit

Camp Lejeune Contaminated Water Lawsuit

Camp Lejeune Contaminated Water Lawsuit

by King Law Firm

Camp Lejeune Contaminated Water Lawsuit

The Clock is Ticking on the Camp Lejeune Contaminated Water Lawsuit

For decades, thousands of brave men and women passed through the gates of Camp Lejeune, dedicated to serving our nation. What many didn’t know was that, while they were sacrificing for our freedom, they were being unknowingly exposed to contaminated drinking water. The implications of this contamination have since emerged as one of the darkest chapters in military base history, with many service members and their families facing devastating health repercussions.

If you or a loved one lived, worked, or served at Camp Lejeune, you need to be aware: time is running out for you to take action.

The Tragedy of Camp Lejeune’s Contaminated Water

Between the 1950s and 1980s, the drinking water at Camp Lejeune was tainted with harmful chemicals, including volatile organic compounds like trichloroethylene (TCE), a metal degreaser, and perchloroethylene (PCE), a dry-cleaning agent. This contamination has been linked to several health issues, ranging from cancers to birth defects and other serious conditions.

The government has acknowledged the oversight and, as a result, established a compensation system for those affected. However, the window to apply for this compensation is rapidly closing.

Time is Running Out: Less Than a Year Remaining

The urgency cannot be stressed enough. With less than a year left to apply for compensation under the Camp Lejeune Contaminated Water Lawsuit, it’s crucial for victims and their families to act now. Missing this window could mean losing out on the compensation you rightfully deserve.

Why Choose King Law Firm?

Located in Jacksonville, North Carolina, Attorney Ken King and his dedicated staff at King Law Firm have been champions for the rights of injury victims for years. Specializing in cases like the Camp Lejeune tragedy, the firm understands the gravity of the situation and the depth of pain and suffering victims endure.

Choosing King Law Firm means:

  1. Expertise: Their seasoned lawyers have extensive experience with the Camp Lejeune case, ensuring you’re in knowledgeable hands.
  2. Expedited Process: Given the looming deadline, King Law Firm can expedite your application process, ensuring all documentation and requirements are met.
  3. Increased Settlement Chances: Their track record speaks volumes. With King Law Firm by your side, you drastically increase your chances of receiving a just compensation settlement.

Don’t Wait. Act Now.

The repercussions of Camp Lejeune’s contaminated water are not just about past mistakes, but about the futures of thousands of individuals who deserve justice and compensation. And while no amount of money can reverse the damages, it can provide some solace and assistance in addressing medical bills and other related challenges.

If you or a loved one were affected by this tragedy, reach out to King Law Firm today. With time running out, Attorney Ken King and his team stand ready to champion your rights and bring you the justice you deserve.

Don’t let the clock run out. Let King Law Firm guide you through the process and secure your future.

Call Now To Schedule A Free Consultation

(800) 635-1683

The Dangers of Distracted Drivers

The Dangers of Distracted Drivers

The Dangers of Distracted Drivers: Your Right to Safety and How King Law Firm Can Help


In our fast-paced society, technology is constantly tempting us with distractions while we strive to stay focused on the road. Every moment, drivers face the temptation to glance at their phones, adjust their music, or even take a bite of their sandwich. However, in a split second, everything can change. 


Distracted driving is a dangerous behavior that has resulted in accidents in North Carolina and beyond. If you or someone dear to you has suffered injuries due to a driver, it is crucial to understand your rights and how a personal injury attorney at King Law Firm can support you in pursuing your injury claim.


Understanding the Concept of Distracted Driving


Firstly, let’s delve into the complexity surrounding driving. The term ” driving” encompasses any activity that diverts one’s attention from the act of driving itself and can be categorized into three types;


Visual Distraction: This refers to taking your eyes off the road.


Manual Distraction: This pertains to taking your hands off the steering wheel.


Cognitive Distraction: This entails diverting your focus from what you’re doing.


While some activities fall into these categories, such as eating, tuning the radio, or engaging in conversations with passengers, the concerning form of distraction in recent times has been the usage of smartphones. Texting while driving combines all three distractions, making it extremely dangerous.


The. Figures


The data surrounding driving is both alarming and enlightening. According to the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration, within a year, 3,142 individuals died in driving accidents in the United States. However, these figures should not be reduced to numbers; they represent people—mothers, fathers, children, friends, and neighbors—whose lives were tragically cut short or forever impacted.


In North Carolina, the situation is equally disheartening. With its cities and picturesque roads, our state has witnessed a surge in accidents caused by drivers who fail to focus on the road ahead. The sporadic nature of incidents— unexpected spikes—makes it crucial for drivers to remain vigilant.


How a Personal Injury Attorney Can Help


When an unthinkable event occurs, and a driver’s actions injure you or your loved ones, it is natural to feel overwhelmed and unsure about your course of action. This is where King Law Firm can assist you.


Collecting Evidence: Proving that the other driver was not entirely focused during the accident can be quite a task. Our experienced team of injury lawyers will gather all the evidence, including phone records and witness statements, to establish who is at fault.

Dealing with Insurance Companies: Insurance companies often try to minimize compensation payments. Our skilled attorneys have expertise in negotiating with these companies to ensure you receive compensation for lost wages and other damages.


Understanding North Carolina Laws: Each state has its set of laws regarding distracted driving and personal injury claims. Our attorneys are well-versed in North Carolina’s regulations and will handle your case with attention to detail.


Preparation for Trial: Our team is prepared to take your case to court if negotiations do not result in a settlement. We will represent you with unwavering determination and fight for the outcome.

Your Role in the Claims Process

While our team at King Law Firm takes care of the aspects, there are steps you can take to contribute towards building a case;


Seeking Medical Attention: It is crucial to seek medical evaluation after an accident, even if your injuries seem minor. Doing so will ensure your well-being and provide essential documentation that strengthens your case.


It’s essential to document everything related to the accident, including taking photos of the scene and keeping a record of your emotional condition afterward. Every little detail can be crucial for your case.


Be cautious when discussing the accident with anyone. Remember that anything you say could be used against you.


In conclusion 

The roads in North Carolina should be safe for everyone, not where innocent drivers suffer due to someone’s Negligence. However, in situations like this, knowing you’re not alone is important. King Law Firm is here to fight for your rights and ensure justice is served. They will work tirelessly to ensure you receive compensation for your pain, suffering, and losses.

Distracted driving is not a mistake; it’s a conscious decision with severe consequences. If you’ve been affected by such a choice, let King Law Firm guide you through the complexities of injury law with their dedication, expertise, and compassion.

Call Now To Schedule A Free Consultation

(800) 635-1683

Understanding the Role of Insurance Companies in Personal Injury Claims

Understanding the Role of Insurance Companies in Personal Injury Claims<br />

Understanding the Role of Insurance Companies in Personal Injury Claims

by King Law Firm

Understanding the Role of Insurance Companies in Personal Injury Claims

Dealing with injury claims can be quite overwhelming, especially when you’re facing injuries, distress and financial burdens. King Law Firm, a personal injury law firm based in North Carolina, has been assisting clients for over three decades by providing guidance and expertise throughout this process. One crucial aspect of personal injury claims revolves around insurance companies. It’s vital to comprehend their role to ensure compensation.

Explaining the Role of Insurance Companies

Insurance companies operate as businesses with the objective of making profits. They collect premiums from policyholders. Promise to cover losses or damages that may occur. In case an accident happens it is the responsibility of the insurance company representing the party at fault to compensate for any resulting damages.

However it’s important to keep in mind that while insurance companies may present themselves as being on your side their ultimate allegiance lies in maximizing their line. Their aim is to minimize claim payouts much as possible to maximize profitability.

Evaluation Process for Personal Injury Claims by Insurance Companies


Determining Liability; Initially the insurance company will assess who bears responsibility for the accident.

If they determine that their policyholder is, at fault they will then evaluate the value of the claim.

When examining records the reviewers will carefully go through all the documents and treatment plans to fully understand the extent of the injuries and estimate the associated costs. Insurance adjusters may question treatments that they consider unnecessary highlighting how important it is to have documentation, in cases.

In situations where injuries require treatment projected costs for expenses will be calculated.

Assessing non damages involves evaluating losses like pain, suffering, mental distress and a decrease, in quality of life.

The insurance company takes into account the policy limits. Even if the damages surpass these limits they are only obligated to pay up to a predetermined amount specified in the policy.

Insurance companies often employ tactics aiming to reduce payouts. Some common strategies include;


  1. Offering settlement amounts; They may present victims with an offer that may seem fair but might not adequately address their rights. They hope that individuals dealing with bills and lost wages will accept without understanding their entitlements.


  1. Questioning treatments; An adjuster might argue that certain medical treatments were unnecessary or dispute the severity of claimed injuries.

Assigning blame;

They might suggest that the victim shares some responsibility, either partially or entirely so as to minimize or eliminate their obligation to provide compensation.

How King Law Firm Can Provide Assistance

With more than thirty years of experience dealing with personal injury claims in North Carolina, King Law Firm has an understanding of how to navigate the complexities involved in dealing with insurance companies. Here’s what we can do to help;

Accurate Assessment; We ensure that we thoroughly evaluate all future damages when filing a claim.

Negotiation; We counter lowball offers and arguments put forth by adjusters to ensure that our clients receive the compensation they deserve.

Enforcing Compliance; Insurance companies have obligations. We closely monitor their actions to ensure they adhere to practices.


Legal Representation in Court; If reaching a settlement through negotiation becomes challenging we are fully prepared to represent our clients in court.

While insurance companies play a role in handling injury claims their main objective tends to revolve around serving their interests. Navigating their tactics and understanding the intricacies of the process can be overwhelming. However, King Law Firm possesses the expertise and unwavering dedication needed to protect clients rights and secure them the compensation they deserve. Contact our office today for a 100% Free Consultation. 

Call Now To Schedule A Free Consultation

(800) 635-1683

The Importance of Gathering Evidence After an Auto Accident

The Importance of Gathering Evidence After an Auto Accident

The Importance of Gathering Evidence After an Auto Accident

by King Law Firm

The Importance of Gathering Evidence After an Auto Accident

Every year, millions of drivers experience some type of auto accident. While your first thoughts might revolve around your immediate safety and well-being, the minutes and hours following a collision become crucial for another reason: gathering evidence. This evidence will play a significant role should you decide to pursue compensation or find yourself defending against a claim. In this article, we’ll delve into the importance of collecting evidence post-crash and provide practical tips on doing it right.

Why Evidence Matters

Simply put, evidence is the foundation of any accident claim. It provides:

Proof of Fault: While you might have a clear memory of what happened, memories can be subjective. Concrete evidence can substantiate your account, pinpointing who was at fault.


Documentation of Damages: Whether it’s damage to your vehicle or physical injuries, evidence provides a record that can be used to evaluate compensation.


Protection Against Fraud: Unfortunately, some individuals might exaggerate claims or even stage accidents. Having solid evidence can shield you against false accusations.

2. Types of Evidence to Gather

Photographs and Videos: Use your smartphone or a camera to capture multiple angles of the scene, vehicle damages, skid marks, traffic signals, and any visible injuries. These visuals can be invaluable in painting a clear picture of the accident scene.


Witness Accounts: If there are bystanders or other drivers who witnessed the accident, get their contact information. Their testimonies can provide an unbiased account of the events.


Police Reports: If the police arrive on the scene, they’ll create a report. This report might include crucial details and potentially even the officer’s determination of fault.


Medical Records: If you sustain injuries, it’s imperative to seek medical attention promptly. These records will document the extent of your injuries, required treatments, and associated costs.


Personal Notes: As soon as you’re able, jot down everything you remember about the incident. Over time, certain details might become fuzzy, so having a written account from right after the accident can be very helpful.

3. The Role of Technology

Many modern vehicles come equipped with dash cams or other recording devices. If your car has one, ensure the footage is saved. Similarly, some intersections or establishments might have CCTV cameras that captured the incident. Requesting this footage promptly is essential since many systems overwrite old data after a set period.

 4. The Evidence and Insurance Companies 

When filing a claim, the evidence you present can directly influence the compensation you receive. Insurance adjusters will examine the evidence to determine the legitimacy and value of your claim. The more comprehensive and clear your evidence, the harder it becomes for insurance companies to undervalue or deny your claim.

5. Legal Implications

In situations where you might need to take legal action or defend against a lawsuit, the evidence you’ve gathered becomes your primary ally. Courts and juries rely heavily on tangible evidence. The presence or absence of strong evidence can sway the direction of legal proceedings, influencing verdicts and settlements.

6. How to Store and Organize Evidence

Now that you’ve gathered your evidence, it’s crucial to store and organize it properly:

Digital Storage: Make digital backups of photographs, videos, and any scanned documents. Cloud storage or external hard drives can be beneficial.


Physical Copies: Print photos, keep copies of medical bills, repair estimates, and any other relevant paperwork in a safe place.


Maintain a Timeline: Create a timeline of events, from the accident to medical appointments and any other related occurrences. This can help streamline your claim process and is especially useful when dealing with legal proceedings.

7. When to Seek Professional Help

There might be situations where gathering evidence becomes challenging. Perhaps you’re dealing with severe injuries, or maybe the accident scene was chaotic, making it tough to collect information. In such cases, considering professional help – like hiring a personal injury attorney – can be invaluable. They can assist in collecting further evidence, liaising with experts, and ensuring your rights are upheld throughout the process.


While the immediate aftermath of a crash can be overwhelming, understanding the profound importance of gathering evidence can motivate you to act swiftly and meticulously. This evidence doesn’t just validate your account; it empowers you, ensuring you’re treated fairly by insurance companies and the legal system.  

Accident Victims: if you’ve been injured due to another person’s negligence, our experienced injury lawyers have been helping North Carolina Accident victims for over three decades. Put our experience to work on your accident case. Contact King Law Firm today for a Free Consultation.

Call Now To Schedule A Free Consultation

(800) 635-1683

5 Mistakes To Avoid When Hiring a Workers Comp Lawyer

workers compensation lawyer wilmington north carolina

5 Mistakes to avoid when hiring a workers comp lawyer in Wilmington

Going through the ordeal of a work-related injury or illness is bad enough. To make things worse, you have to practically fight for your claims and benefits. You can’t do this on your own.

You need to hire a lawyer in Wilmington specializing in workers’ compensation, which is not an easy task. Here are some mistakes to avoid ensuring you hire the best person for your case.

1.    Insufficient research

Yes, the internet is indeed a great resource to find your lawyer. It applies if you use it to learn more about potential attorneys and not believe everything upfront.

Visit prospective lawyers’ websites to gather more information once you narrow down your options. Look for and read testimonials from former clients.

Websites should not entirely influence your choice, but give you an idea of the person’s experience, professionalism, and track record.

2.    Not selecting a specialized attorney

Don’t hire just any lawyer you find. Hire someone dedicated to handling worker’s compensation claims. They are familiar with and updated with the intricacies of the related laws.

They are also familiar with the board and local judges. They will also be familiar with local medical practices.  Their links give you better medical treatment and a better chance of claiming the workers’ compensation benefits you deserve.

3.    Not asking for recommendations for an experienced workers comp lawyer in Wilmington

Don’t make the mistake of not asking friends, family, and colleagues for referrals for an experienced workers comp lawyer in Wilmington. While you can still find attorney information by picking up your local yellow pages, the digital age has made things easier. You can find information on most attorneys by reviewing various social media accounts, using google (or your preferred search engine) and by reviewing their website(s). Word of mouth will always be a great way to obtain information. They mostly rely on word-of-mouth and referrals to get new clients.

4.    Not correctly using the free initial consultation

Don’t make the mistake of not asking questions during the meeting. Not only will the lawyer ask questions, but you should also treat it as your interview of the lawyer.

Remember, you will eventually be paying them, so ask questions like how many years of experience they have handling workers’ compensation claims, ask if they will be working on the case or assigning paralegals for most of the proceedings. Most importantly, ask them to explain the workers’ compensation claim process and their fees.

A workers comp lawyer in Wilmington doesn’t usually charge for unsuccessful cases. But it’s always better to ask and confirm before proceeding.

5.    Hiring the first lawyer you meet

No matter how good the first lawyer may seem, always interview a few others before finalizing your choice. Use their initial free consultation to discuss your case with them and select someone who inspires confidence in you. You never know. The next lawyer may be more experienced, professional, and capable.

Now you know the five common mistakes to avoid while looking for an experienced workers comp lawyer in Wilmington. Use it to your advantage to select the right person to help you claim the benefits you rightfully deserve.

Contact the King Law Firm today to schedule a consultation at (800) 635-1683


jacksonville north carolina bankruptcy lawyer

North Carolina Bankruptcy Lawyers

It all depends on your current situation. Without a doubt, filing for bankruptcy can be a lifesaver when in serious debt. It will wipe the slate clean, stop collection phone calls and letters, and give you a fresh new start. Almost any type of consumer debt can be discharged, such as credit card bills and medical debt, which are dischargeable via bankruptcy. The majority of people get to keep all of their property, including their house and car. But, whether to file for bankruptcy, when to file, and how-to file are all extremely important things you need to consider. The financial circumstances, future expectations, and personal expectations of each individual need to be carefully assessed. It also depends on what type of debts you have. If most of your debt is non-dischargeable (most tax debts, student loans, child or spousal support, etc.), then Chapter 7 bankruptcy, at least, may not be the best option. But Chapter 13 bankruptcy could be a good solution. Ultimately, of course, the decision whether to file for bankruptcy must be made by the individual or couple, not by friends, family, or a lawyer. 

With that in mind, we recommended that those considering bankruptcies consult with a qualified bankruptcy attorney before making this decision. The bankruptcy laws themselves can be complex and are poorly drafted, and have been interpreted differently depending on the jurisdiction. The required forms are numerous and require accurate, detailed current information.  A good attorney will never try to “rush” his or her potential client to file for bankruptcy. Instead, the attorney should thoroughly evaluate the circumstances of the client and explain the bankruptcy process, including the pros and the cons. Only in this way can people considering bankruptcy make the best decision for themselves and their families. Of course, there are scenarios in which, even if you have fallen behind on your bills and accumulated significant debt, bankruptcy may not be the best option. However, if you can answer yes to some or many of the following questions then bankruptcy may indeed be a good option for you. 

Are you significantly behind on your credit card payments or other payments? Has your credit card company or another creditor/debt collector sent you a default notice, or threatened to sue you? Has a creditor assigned your debt for collection? Are you being sued by a debt collector or its attorney? Do you have judgments against you for unpaid debts? Are your wages being garnished or threatened with garnishment? Have you recently lost a job, suffered an illness or a disability, and had debts pile up? Are you stressed out about your debts and concerned about your ability to pay them? Have you incurred significant medical bills that you are afraid you will not be able to pay? Has the stress of your debts caused arguments or turmoil in your personal life? Are debt collectors calling you, sending you letters, or harassing you? Do you need to free up money that you are paying to your creditors so you can afford your basic living expenses like mortgage/rent, food, and support for your family? 

If you or someone you know are having financial difficulties and might benefit by consulting a bankruptcy attorney, call King Law Firm today and speak with a lawyer. (855) 205-9940

Contact King Law Firm today to schedule a consultation at (855) 205-9940