
North Carolina Eminent Domain Attorneys

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Representing North Carolina property owners with eminent domain and land condemnation issues. Contact our office by filling out the short contact form or call us directly to speak with an Attorney.

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North Carolina Eminent Domain Attorneys

Representing North Carolina property owners with eminent domain and land condemnation issues. Contact our office by filling out the short contact form or call us directly to speak with an Attorney

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North Carolina Eminent Domain Lawyers

We accept Eminent domain cases throughout North Carolina

In North Carolina, the Department of Transportation (NCDOT) and other state agencies, municipalities, school districts, utility companies, and airports may condemn a property. A property can be condemned under the Constitution. The owner also has the right to be treated fairly and through a thoughtful process.

Eminent domain can take many forms. Your home or your business can be the target. It is used for public and private utility projects, highway projects, parks, and other purposes. When it comes to eminent domain, the state is very powerful.

Protecting your property rights is our mission

At King Law Firm our mission is to ensure that your rights are respected and that you receive fair compensation if your property is targeted for acquisition. At King Law Firm, we handle most types of eminent domain cases. Our firm accepts cases involving partial takings, total takings, easements and rights of way, from houses to office complexes.



Condemnation Lawyers Serving Eastern North Carolina

You may need us to investigate your situation to determine whether your property has been condemned legally, whether the action is indeed in the public interest, and whether the price you have been offered reflects the true value of your property.

Contact us today at 800-635-8633 for a free, no-obligation case evaluation or complete this online form to describe your situation.


FAQs concerning eminent domain in North Carolina

No attorney’s fee is due unless we obtain a higher price for your property than the government offers – that’s how we do business in North Carolina. At King Law Firm, our  North Carolina eminent domain lawyers can assist you in fighting for the fair compensation you deserve for your property.


More Frequently Asked Questions

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What is Eminent Domain?

The process of eminent domain in North Carolina, also known as condemnation or land condemnation, involves the local, state, or federal government taking ownership of private property for public use. In some instances, some agencies that serve the public, such as utility companies, may exercise eminent domain to seize private property. If eminent domain is used to take property, the government or the agency responsible must pay “just compensation” based on the property’s fair market value.

Government often uses eminent domain for public works projects such as road widening, highway construction, or the installation of new electrical or plumbing lines.

Eminent Domain can also be used to build new schools, libraries, police stations, or other public-service properties.

To take your property under eminent domain, the government must show that it is for “public use,” as well as showing that it is “necessary.” For example, if the building of new power lines will require 100 feet of your property, then it does not need to take 200 feet.

The government can use eminent domain to take all or only part of a property, and any land taken must be necessary for public use.


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Eminent Domain abuse in North Carolina

The use of public property for unknown reasons can be broadly defined, resulting in the seizure of private property.


As an example, the government has seized private land in blighted areas for redevelopment, and has taken private property to build shopping centers, movie theaters, and other commercial establishments.

Even when exercising eminent domain entirely for the purpose of increasing tax revenue, these cases have been upheld by the courts.

North Carolina Eminent Domain Attorneys

If you don’t want to sell your property, the government can take it through eminent domain.

You may feel intimidated and confused when you hear that the government wants to take your property. A government official may claim they have the ‘right’ to take your property, and you may feel you have no other options or that if you protest, you will impede public progress. You may think you weren’t owed much more for your property based on an offer that seems reasonable and fair, even though you’ve been shown a real-estate appraisal.


Understanding your rights under the law can be facilitated by a qualified eminent domain lawyer. A lawyer who specializes in eminent domain can help you determine if the taking of your property is really justified, and if the amount offered is fair.

You can consult with one of our North Carolina eminent domain attorneys if you have recently learned that the government intends to take your properties under eminent domain. The attorneys at our firm work on a contingency fee basis, which means that their fee is based on a percentage of the amount that we recover for your property.

If we don’t get results for you, we don’t recover any attorney fees.

Get your free case evaluation now by calling 1(855) 206-0052. It is possible to save your land or to obtain the full compensation you may be entitled to through the help of a competent North Carolina eminent domain lawyer.

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Eminent Domain Attorneys in North Carolina

Some areas of Eminent Domain Law are old. It’s all interwoven with case law and precedents that have an impact on your case. We work to keep matters manageable for you at King Law Firm.

Eastern North Carolina’s Most Experienced Property Rights Lawyers

At King Law Firm, we address the toughest condemnation issues

Our approach to each case is unique, and we are interested in learning more about what your offer includes, how it was negotiated, where you are in the condemnation process, and what you aim to accomplish in negotiating terms.

For more information about our practice, please call us if you have any questions.

We Have Answers to Your Questions

FAQs concerning eminent domain in North Carolina


We work on a contingency fee basis for you. Therefore, if we don’t get you any additional compensation over what the government offered you for your property, we don’t recover an attorney’s fee.

You may be able to get full compensation for your property if you work with an experienced Eminent Domain Law Firm attorney.

Call the North Carolina eminent domain law attorneys toll free at (855) 206-0052 today for a no-cost case evaluation or describe your issue using this online contact form.


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(800) 635-1683