
Why Your Automobile Should Have A Dash Cam

North Carolina Auto Accident Lawyers

The days on only seeing a dashcam car chase in a big-budget Hollywood movie are long gone. These days dash cams are standard equipment in most new automobiles. Dash cams are widely becoming one of the most common forms of evidence used in automobile accidents.  If your automobile isn’t equipped with a dashcam, you can easily and most importantly affordably install one yourself.   This is a fast-growing market and there are many available choices for the consumer.  Take a look at this video review.



Aside from being a huge safety addition to any automobile, dash cams serve a great purpose in capturing and preserving evidence in the event of an auto accident. Below are a few reasons why these devices are an essential addition you need to consider.


1.) Capture and Preserve Auto Accident Evidence.

The top reason why most people install a dash camera in their cars is for video footage, especially during accidents. Of course, incidents while driving are inevitable no matter how much of a careful driver you are. Another car, a bicycle, other vehicles, or a pedestrian may be involved in an accident with you.


Proving who is at fault during accidents is a lot easier when you have a dashcam. The video can capture which party is negligent in the streets. It is advantageous because the other party is most likely to deny or reason out. However, if you have a dashcam, you have clear evidence of what really took place during the incident.


2.) Proof For Your Insurance Provider

The only time you can make use of your insurance is when an unfortunate incident takes place. But, what if you end up having no claim just because you cannot prove it? Insurance companies may try to give you less compensation than you deserve. If you have video footage to show the exact situation during the incident, you can easily defend your claim.


Dashcams are also helpful in preventing insurance fraud, especially against people who are good at scams. These people pretend to be in an accident so they can extort money from drivers or car owners like you. Consequently, dash cams can conveniently support you with your insurance claims in case of an accident.


3.) Protection Even When You Are Not In The Automobile

Dashcams nowadays have evolved so you can keep them turned on 24/7. A lot of accidents can happen even when you’re just parked. The risks are higher if you have to park on the side of the streets since parking spaces are not always available everywhere you go. Small dents to significant damage to your car can be done, and with a dashcam, you can easily identify and track down who is at fault.


Even if the risks of physical injuries are slim, you may still incur expenses with your valuables. Car damages when parked can be as severe as damages during car collisions. The dashcam in your vehicle will serve as a security while you are parked in public spaces.


4.) Additional Safety And Security

Think about the safety and security you feel whenever you know that there is Closed Circuit Television (CCTV) in an establishment. That is how a dash cam works in your car.


Newer technology can even send live footage straight to your phone or laptop device while you are away from your vehicle. The recordings from your dashcams are instrumental in insurance, for court and other instances when you need to prove something. The convenience that dashcams give you truly makes it a worthwhile investment. The cost of a hundred dollars will be far less than your insurance claim if you get involved in an accident.


More than anything, however, the dash cam can buy you peace of mind. No need to worry about driving amid a lot of cars, driving in the middle of the night with no one else in view, leaving your car parked somewhere, and such. You would always feel safe and secure with a dashcam.



If you or a family member have been injured in an automobile accident, you need to legal representation of an experienced attorney. King Law Firm has been helping North Carolinians for over 30 years. Our personal guarantee is, “we will fight to make it right.” Call today for a free case evaluation.

Get Help With Credit Card Debt

North Carolina Bankruptcy Lawyers

Credit card debt is a huge problem facing so many Americans.

Credit cards are easy to use and unfortunately, very easy to get.  Credit cards are have become a very popular way to make payments. E-commerce among others relies almost 100%  on credit card payments.

Over the last few years, many utilities now allow customers to make automatic payments with a credit card every month.

Considering how many consumers us Credit Cards to make common purchases each and every day with credit cards, it’s easy to understand why credit card debt can get out of hand very quickly.  However, there are available options for consumers who have a desire to eliminate their debt.


Most credit cards can have between a 10% and 30% interest rate. If a debtor chooses to make the minimum payments each month, a credit card debt of $3,500 can take up to 31 years to pay off.  Other considerations such as late payments can result in late fees, an increase in that cards interest rate, and can even cause interest rates on other credit cards to greatly increase.

These primary factors can turn a few credit card purchases into a major financial nightmare within a very short time.


The first step is to contact an experienced bankruptcy lawyer.

An experienced debt relief lawyer can find ways to eliminate the overwhelming weight of credit card and other debts.  Our experienced attorney can help clients decide whether the best option is to file for Chapter 13 bankruptcy, Chapter 7 bankruptcy, or find other ways to relieve your financial burdens.

It’s worth noting that under Chapter 13 a debtor can make regular payments, free of interest, without the risk of losing valued possessions.

Contact King Law Firm today to schedule a case evaluation regarding your credit card debt, as well as all other types of debt.

Simple Steps To Start Eliminating Your Debt

North Carolina Bankruptcy Lawyers

As a bankruptcy lawyer, we have worked with a lot of people who feel like they can no longer control their debt; rather, they feel like their debt controls them. We always try to find a resolution that works best for our clients. Many times, the best solution isn’t bankruptcy, but another form of debt relief. As we often tell our clients, one of the simplest ways to start eliminating your debt is by creating a budget.

As an example, we recently had a client who came to our firm for a consultation on debt relief. After careful review of his situation, we soon realized that filing bankruptcy was probably not his best option. He had some pretty big debts, but I knew that with some careful budgeting he would probably be able to overcome his debts.

This client had credit card debt and medical bills. Each month he would borrow from one credit card to pay the balance on another one.  He is married and also has two children, and they were concerned about their children’s future. His wife wasn’t employed but does receive $1,050 per month from SSDI.

Our bankruptcy team advised him that the first step to ridding himself of debt was to establish a budget. Like many of the clients we meet, He already knew that he should have a budget, but for other reasons.  As a consequence, he had no idea how much his family was spending every month.

We began by examining the family’s income. We reviewed his paychecks and other sources of income, such as his wife’s SSDI payment. All together his income was around $5,000 per month.

We reviewed the family’s monthly expenses. This, however, was a little more difficult because he did not keep track of his expenses. However, they did use a debit card to pay many of their monthly household expenses. We were able to visit their banking website, which provided us with an itemized list of everything he purchases with his debit card.

We were then able to use this information to figure out how much they were spending each month. It turns out that they were spending a lot more money than was necessary for entertainment and eating out. As a result, they only had $400 leftover each month to pay off their personal loans and debts.

We then helped create a budget that would increase the amount of money they had leftover to pay their monthly debts. Being able to track how they spent their money enabled them to change some of their bad spending habits. Having this new budget and a commitment to place limits on their spending, they were able to avoid bankruptcy and begin to make some headway on their debts.


If you are having financial issues and find yourself not knowing what to do, contact the experienced bankruptcy lawyers at King Law Firm. We’ve been helping North Carolinians for over 30 years and we can help you too.

Helpful Information On Filing Bankruptcy

North Carolina Bankruptcy Lawyers

Filing for bankruptcy may seem perplexing, but the progression actually makes sense if you know what to expect. When you hire a skilled bankruptcy firm like the King Law Firm, they will explain the process so things go smoothly.

When you contact the experienced bankruptcy attorneys at the King Law Firm, we will discuss your goals for bankruptcy and review your household size, income, and assets. This will help you decide which bankruptcy option is best for you, Chapter 7 or Chapter 13 bankruptcy.

After reviewing your unique situation, we will assist you and guide you to the best type of bankruptcy to file, we will help you prepare the appropriate bankruptcy petition. After you review and sign it, we will file the petition and you will be assigned a case number.

Your assigned bankruptcy trustee will contact you within a week to request financial documentation to support your petition and your attorney and a case manager will help you to prepare these documents.



If you file a Chapter 7 bankruptcy, you will also receive a date for a phone interview with your assigned trustee.  Privately, you will discuss your bankruptcy petition and any supporting documents that were provided.

Several weeks later, you will go to the federal courthouse to be questioned under oath by your trustee – your attorney will be present. Your creditors may appear and object, though this seldom happens.

If you wish to keep secured debts such as a home or automobile loan, you may reaffirm the debts with your lender. If everything proceeds as it should, your bankruptcy will be discharged within 120 days.



Chapter 13 bankruptcy restructures your debt, allowing you to make monthly payments that are dispersed to your creditors. This is done according to income, unsecured debts and secured debts that are kept.

After filing Chapter 13 bankruptcy, you will meet with your trustee in approximately one month. Your first payment will be due within 30 days of filing. After you make your 60th payment, your bankruptcy will be discharged.

The experienced bankruptcy attorneys at King Law Firm will guide you through every step of the bankruptcy process, call today to schedule a case evaluation.