
Self Driving Cars


Self-Driving Cars

What Everyone Needs To Know  

Autonomous vehicles (AVs), also referred to as self-driving cars, show promise in enhancing road safety by minimizing accidents caused by human mistakes. Despite this potential, the technology remains in a developmental phase, evidenced by several notable incidents involving these vehicles. These occurrences have prompted a closer examination of AV technology and a push for more stringent safety regulations. Generally perceived as safe, autonomous vehicles still require ongoing research and advancements to fully assure their reliability and safety for broad usage.

What Defines an Autonomous Vehicle?

An autonomous vehicle, commonly referred to as a self-driving car, is a technological marvel designed to transport people and goods without the need for human intervention in driving. These vehicles are equipped with a suite of sensors, cameras, radar, and lidar systems to perceive their surroundings. Additionally, sophisticated software algorithms process this data, enabling the car to make informed decisions about its operation.

Autonomous vehicles are categorized into various levels of automation from: Level 0 (no automation) to Level 5 (complete automation). Each level signifies the extent of the vehicle’s ability to drive itself under certain conditions, with higher levels indicating greater autonomy. As this technology continues to advance, it’s crucial to understand the capabilities and limitations of each level of autonomous vehicle, particularly in terms of safety, legal considerations, and the driver’s role. This knowledge is essential for consumers, policymakers, and enthusiasts alike as we navigate towards a future where self-driving cars become a common sight on our roads.

  1. Level 1 (Driver Assistance): The vehicle has basic driver-assist functions such as cruise control or lane-keeping assist, but the driver must be engaged and control the vehicle at all times.


  1. Level 2 (Partial Automation): The vehicle can control both steering and acceleration/deceleration, but the driver must remain engaged with the driving task and monitor the environment at all times.


  1. Level 3 (Conditional Automation): The vehicle can perform all driving tasks under certain conditions, but the driver must be ready to take control when the system requests.


  1. Level 4 (High Automation): The vehicle can perform all driving tasks in certain conditions without human intervention, but it might require a human driver in more complex environments like urban areas.


  1. Level 5 (Full Automation): The vehicle is fully autonomous in all driving scenarios and conditions. No human intervention is required at any time, and there may not even be driving controls in the vehicle.

What Autonomy Level Characterizes the Majority of Today’s Self-Driving Cars?

The majority of self-driving cars currently on the road are characterized by Level 2 and Level 3 autonomy. Level 2, known as “partial automation,” encompasses vehicles equipped with advanced driver-assist systems that can control steering, acceleration, and braking under certain conditions. These systems include features like adaptive cruise control and lane-keeping assist. However, it’s crucial to note that in Level 2 vehicles, the driver must remain actively engaged in the driving process, constantly monitoring the environment and being ready to take over control of the vehicle at any moment.

Level 3 vehicles, labeled as “conditional automation,” represent a more advanced stage of autonomy. In these cars, the system can handle all driving tasks in specific scenarios, such as highway driving. This level of autonomy allows the vehicle to make informed decisions about speed, navigation, and even overtaking other vehicles. However, similar to Level 2, the driver’s role remains significant in Level 3 vehicles. The driver must be prepared to intervene and take control of the vehicle when the conditions exceed the system’s capabilities or in situations where the autonomous system requests human intervention.

It’s important to recognize that while these levels of autonomy offer a glimpse into the future of self-driving technology, they are not fully autonomous. The dream of completely autonomous, driverless vehicles – represented by Level 5 autonomy – remains in the development and testing phase. Level 5 vehicles would be capable of navigating all driving conditions without any human input, but they are not yet a reality on public roads.

The presence of Level 2 and Level 3 autonomous vehicles on the roads today marks a significant step towards a more automated future. However, it also underscores the importance of ongoing development, rigorous testing, and a gradual approach to integrating these technologies into everyday road use, ensuring safety and reliability for all road users.

Is It Safe to Watch Videos or Sleep in Current Self-Driving Cars?

The question of whether it’s safe to engage in activities like watching videos or sleeping in today’s self-driving cars is a matter of significant importance, especially considering the current levels of vehicle autonomy on the road. Most self-driving cars in operation now are at Level 2 or Level 3 autonomy. This means that, while these vehicles are equipped with advanced driver-assist systems capable of controlling speed, steering, and sometimes even navigation, the driver’s attention and readiness to intervene are essential.

At Level 2, or partial automation, the vehicle can perform functions like adaptive cruise control and lane-keeping. However, the driver must constantly monitor the driving environment and be prepared to take control of the vehicle instantly if the situation demands it. Similarly, Level 3 vehicles, which offer conditional automation, can handle more complex driving tasks under certain conditions but still require the driver to be alert and ready to intervene.

Given these levels of autonomy, it is currently not recommended, and indeed can be unsafe, to watch videos or sleep while in a self-driving car. The primary reason is that the technology, as it exists today, does not support full detachment from the driving task. The driver must remain vigilant and ready to take over at a moment’s notice, which would not be possible if they were sleeping or deeply engrossed in a video.

Furthermore, some manufacturers have implemented driver monitoring systems to ensure that the driver is paying attention. These systems, often using cameras and sensors, can detect if the driver is not looking at the road or appears to be disengaged. However, these systems are not foolproof and are designed as an aid, not a replacement, for an attentive driver.

In conclusion, the current level of technology in self-driving cars necessitates active driver engagement and attention. Watching videos or sleeping in these vehicles is not advisable and poses safety risks. As technology evolves towards higher levels of autonomy, these restrictions may change, but for now, driver vigilance remains paramount.

Evaluating the Legality and Safety of Operating Self-Driving Cars While Medicated or Intoxicated and Its Impact on Accident Liability

The question of operating self-driving cars while under the influence of medication or intoxication raises significant legal and safety concerns. Legally, the operation of any vehicle, autonomous or not, requires the driver to be in a state fit to take control if necessary. This legal requirement holds true even for vehicles with advanced automation features.

For self-driving cars, particularly those at Level 2 or Level 3 autonomy, the driver’s ability to intervene is a critical safety component. These vehicles are designed to assist with driving, not completely replace the driver. Operating them while medicated or intoxicated not only impairs this critical intervention ability but also contravenes road safety laws. Intoxication or impairment by medication while behind the wheel is illegal and dangerous, regardless of the vehicle’s automation level.

In terms of accident liability, the presence of autonomous driving features does not absolve a driver who is intoxicated or impaired. Legal responsibility still largely rests with the driver, especially in cases where the driver’s input or oversight is required. In an accident scenario, being medicated or intoxicated in a self-driving car could significantly affect the driver’s liability, potentially leading to legal repercussions similar to those faced when driving a traditional vehicle under the influence.

Overall, while self-driving technology continues to advance, the need for sober and alert drivers remains paramount, both for legal compliance and for ensuring safety on the roads.

If you’ve been injured by anyone who was driving a self-driving car, or injured in any type of motor vehicle accident at no fault of your own, call us at (855) 962-4573 for a 100% Free Consultation.  



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Questions to Ask Your Workers’ Compensation Attorney

Questions to Ask Your workers' Compensation Attorney

Questions to ask your Workers' Compensation Attorney

by King Law Firm

Six Essential Questions to Ask Your workers’ Compensation Attorney


Questions to ask your workers’ compensation attorney? Dealing with a workers’ compensation claim can be a daunting task, especially in the wake of a workplace injury. Having the right legal ally by your side is critical in navigating these complex waters. A competent workers’ compensation attorney can profoundly influence the direction and outcome of your case. To ensure you select an attorney who aligns with your needs, it’s important to ask the right questions. Here are six key questions to pose when you’re in consultation with a potential attorney:

What is Your Experience in Handling Workers’ Compensation Cases?

  • Delve into the attorney’s background in this field. How many years have they focused on workers’ compensation, and how many cases have they successfully resolved? An attorney with a wealth of experience will likely have a more nuanced understanding of the law and a better capability to manage the intricacies of your situation.

Are You a Board-Certified Workers’ Compensation Attorney?

  • Board certification is a mark of excellence and a distinguishing accomplishment that sets an attorney apart as a specialist in their field. Asking if the attorney is board-certified in workers ‘compensation law can give you confidence in their expertise and dedication to this area of practice.

How Do You Communicate with Clients?

  • Effective communication is essential. Inquire about their approach to client communication. How regularly will they update you, and what methods (emails, phone calls) do they prefer? A responsive attorney will keep you informed about your case’s progress and be available to address your concerns.

What Are the Possible Outcomes of My Case?

  • While no lawyer can promise a certain result, an experienced one should be able to outline potential scenarios. Ask about the best and worst-case outcomes to gain a realistic perspective on what to expect and set appropriate expectations for your case.

What Are Your Fees and How Are They Structured?

  • It’s crucial to understand the financial aspect of legal representation. Workers’ compensation attorneys typically work on a contingency basis, meaning they get paid a percentage of your settlement or award. Clarify their fee percentage, any upfront costs, and how other expenses (like court fees or document retrieval costs) will be handled.

Can You Provide References or Testimonials from Past Clients?

  • Feedback from previous clients can offer valuable insight into the attorney’s professionalism, success rate, and client satisfaction. While confidentiality might restrict sharing detailed client information, many attorneys can provide general testimonials or reference letters.

Choosing the right workers’ compensation attorney is a significant decision that can greatly influence the resolution of your claim. By asking these six questions, you can better gauge the qualifications and fit of a prospective attorney, ensuring that you receive the adept legal support you need for your workers’ compensation case.

Remember, a qualified attorney is not only knowledgeable about the law but also understands your situation and is dedicated to helping you secure the compensation you rightly deserve. Your path to recovery is important, and the right legal assistance can be a critical factor in that journey.


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(855) 206-0052

Six Ways Your North Carolina Workers’ Comp Lawyer Can Help You



by King Law Firm

Trust is crucial when dealing with injuries, and even doctors we typically rely upon may not act in your best interest by downplaying the severity of our injuries. Thus, in nearly every workers’ comp case, an attorney can be beneficial. The following sections outline six of the most common ways our workers’ compensation lawyers in North Carolina have assisted previous clients. 


Filing for workers’ compensation can be overwhelming due to complex regulations, paperwork, and jargon. Hiring a workers’ compensation attorney can simplify the process and provide clarity. An expert lawyer can guide you through the filing process, explain benefits, and handle the paperwork. There may be more options than you realize, such as compensation for work-related car accidents. With an attorney, you can get a realistic estimate of when you’ll receive benefits and ensure you receive fair compensation without any issues.

2: Expert Workers Comp Negotiation Partner.

Negotiating can be difficult for many, but with the help of an experienced lawyer in North Carolina, you don’t have to do it alone. Having a workers’ comp lawyer on your side is essential when facing insurance companies. They’ll assess the value of your injuries and work tirelessly to get you the compensation you deserve, including medical expenses, lost wages, and related costs. If you’re completely disabled, your lawyer will fight for every dollar owed to you, making the negotiation process stress-free and successful. With a professional by your side, you won’t have to worry about being taken advantage of or arguing with insurance companies.

3: Get the Evidence You Need for Your Workers’ Comp Case 

If you’ve been injured at work, gathering evidence may be the last thing on your mind. But with one call to a workers’ comp lawyer in North Carolina, you can leave it to them. Your lawyer will gather essential evidence, including witness statements, photos, employment and medical records, and workplace safety hazards. This evidence can help prove your injuries and qualify you for compensation and medical benefits, even if your employer denies your claim. With a lawyer handling the evidence, you can focus on recovering. Hiring a lawyer to gather evidence is a wise move that can significantly impact the outcome of your case. Don’t wait to call a workers’ comp lawyer if you’ve been injured at work.

4: Get Legal Representation for Your Workers’ Comp Appeal Trial

If negotiations fail, settling a workers’ compensation claim may not be possible. In North Carolina, workers’ comp appeals go to court, and not all lawyers are willing to represent clients in court. However, at King Law Firm, we’ll represent you in court against your employer or their insurance company. Our experienced lawyers will present evidence and argue in your favor for maximum benefits. While self-representation is possible, having a lawyer increases your chances of getting what you deserve. Don’t face your workers’ comp appeal trial alone. Hire a lawyer to fight for your rights and ensure you receive compensation and benefits. We’ll provide legal representation and support at King Law Firm throughout the process.

5: A Workers’ Comp Lawyer Can Help You If Your Employer Has Threatened You. 

It’s not unusual for employers to respond severely when injured workers exercise their right to workers’ compensation. If you file for workers’ comp benefits, your employer may threaten to decrease your working hours, demote your position, or terminate your employment. However, these threats are not permissible in Birmingham, AL, and if you have been threatened, you can take legal action. A proficient workers’ benefits attorney knows that such threats are illegal and can take appropriate measures to safeguard you from such employers while ensuring you receive your financial award, despite any severe treatment.

6: When Your Employer Doesn’t Provide Workers’ Comp Insurance, a Law Firm Can Assist You

North Carolina companies are required to have workers’ compensation insurance if they employ three or more employees to protect both the business and workers. If an employee is injured due to work, the employer cannot just fire them and expect to pay nothing. However, some companies try to avoid insurance payments by not obtaining workers’ comp insurance, which is illegal.

If your employer is uninsured, a lawyer can help you understand your legal options, such as filing personal injury claims or filing for permanent disability through Social Security. Hiring the right workers’ comp lawyer is crucial in maximizing your benefits.

King Law Firm is a team of Board-Certified Workers’ Compensation Attorneys who can help you secure your compensation and fight for your rights when insurance companies or your employer deny them. Contact them for a free consultation if you need legal assistance with your workers’ compensation case.

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Workers’ Compensation And Repetitive Stress Injury

workers compensation and competitive stress injury

Workers' Compensation and Competitive Stress Injury

by King Law Firm

Can You File Workers’ Compensation for RSI, Repetitive Stress Injury? 


Many work-related accidents are caused by sudden falls or defective equipment. A repetitive strain injury (RSI), also known as repetitive stress or repetitive motion injury, is a gradual damage to nerves, tendons, and muscles from repeated or prolonged motion. If left untreated, this type of injury can result in chronic pain that requires constant attention.


All forms of order have repetitive movements. Recurring motion injuries (RSIDs) are common and have been caused by several different working hours, including:


  • Using a keyboard and mouse to type letters using a mouse while working at a hospital 


  • Scanning drugs and equipment at the register or stocking supplies on shelves


  • Handling tools Assembling a manufactured home in a factory.


As a result of repetitive stress injuries, carpal tunnel syndrome, bursitis, and rotator cuff tendonitis are some of the most common conditions. Surgical procedures, braces, physical therapy, and occupational therapy are all options for treatment.


RSI symptoms and things to keep an eye on.

RSI symptoms should not be treated as trivial annoyances because they are very serious. A repetitive motion condition may manifest as the following symptoms: Swelling, throbbing pain, stiffness, numbness, tingling sensation, weakness Sensitivity to temperature.


North Carolina employers with three or more employees must carry workers’ compensation insurance if their workers are injured. A person may qualify for temporary or permanent disability payments depending on the severity of the injury. An injured person may also receive a lump sum settlement to cover medical expenses. As a result of RSIs, companies need to give employees periodic breaks to rest their body parts. Additionally, ergonomic chairs and desks should be provided at the workplace to prevent injuries. 


Contact Our North Carolina Workers’ Compensation Attorney

The risk of injury varies from occupation to occupation. Some employees can develop severe medical conditions as a result of repetitive motion. The cost of surgery or physical therapy may be mounting if you or a loved one suffers from an RSI or RMI, in addition to lost wages. The Board-Certified, Workers’ Compensation Attorneys at King Law Firm are prepared to take on your case and help you achieve a positive outcome.

Take the next step and Contact us today!

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Does Workers’ Compensation Cover Prescriptions

Does Workers' Compensation Cover Prescriptions

Does Workers’ Compensation Cover Prescriptions? 

Prescriptions & Workers’ Comp

Prescriptions are an essential part of healthcare and can be costly. One way to receive financial aid is through workers’ compensation, but do they cover prescription costs? Workers’ compensation is a system of insurance benefits provided to employees injured while at work or performing job-related duties. It covers medical bills, lost wages, long-term disability, and more. But does it include prescriptions? 

The answer is yes – in some cases. Depending on your state and the type of injury sustained, specific rules about prescription coverage for workers’ comp claims may exist. The employer’s insurance company will generally pay for any medically necessary medications to treat the worker’s injury or illness. However, not all drugs are covered by workers’ comp; pre-existing conditions and treatments such as cosmetic surgery typically aren’t included. 

What is Workers’ Comp?

Workers’ compensation is an insurance program designed to protect employers and employees in the event of a workplace injury or illness. The program helps cover medical expenses related to the injury or illness, lost wages while recovering, and in some cases, rehabilitation costs. Understanding workers’ comp is important for anyone who works in a job with potential risks and their employers. 

When an employee is injured on the job due to employer negligence or at no fault of their own, they may be eligible for workers’ compensation benefits depending on state regulations. Depending on the severity of the injury or illness, this could include hospital bills and doctor visits covered by insurance, disability payments for time off work due to recovery from injury/condition, and sometimes even retraining for new skills if necessary. 

Do Prescriptions Qualify for Coverage?

For those with workplace injuries seeking medical treatment, the question of whether workers’ compensation will cover their prescriptions is common. It is important to understand what is and isn’t covered to ensure that the injured person gets the most from their benefits. Workers’ compensation covers not only prescription drugs but also any costs associated with hospitalization or other treatments necessary for the healing process. 

A physician must prescribe prescription medications to qualify for workers’ compensation insurance coverage. In addition, it must also be medically necessary for recovery and directly related to an injury sustained on the job. The cost of such medications can vary greatly depending on the severity of the injury and the type of drug prescribed. 

When are Prescriptions Covered?

Many people who have been injured on the job and receive workers’ compensation often wonder if their medical bills, including prescriptions, will be covered. The answer to this question depends on several factors varying from state to state. Generally speaking, most employers are required by law to provide reimbursement for any medications prescribed by a physician to treat an injury or illness related to the workplace. 

The cost of prescription medications is typically included as part of an employee’s workers’ compensation benefits package. However, depending on the laws in that particular state, certain limits may be placed on the amount of money reimbursed for these expenses. For example, some states may specify that only generic drugs are eligible for coverage, while others may require employers to pay full price for brand-name medications. 

What if the Prescription is Not Covered?

For many individuals, access to prescription medications is essential for managing their medical conditions. But what happens when a prescription isn’t covered by health insurance or workers’ compensation? It can leave people in a difficult situation, struggling to find the financial resources necessary to pay for the medication they need. 

The good news is that options are available to those who cannot afford their prescriptions. Many employers provide a Workers’ Compensation program which offers coverage of some or all of an employee’s out-of-pocket costs related to prescriptions. This can significantly help those whose medical expenses exceed the limits of their regular health insurance policy. However, it’s important to note that not all medications will be covered under Workers’ Compensation plans; it depends on the specific plan and its terms and conditions. 

Special Considerations.

Workers’ compensation is critical to any comprehensive safety plan regarding workplace injuries and illnesses. But what happens when injured or ill employees need prescription medications? Does workers’ compensation cover prescriptions? 

The answer is yes – in most cases, workers’ comp will cover the cost of prescription medications for an employee who has been injured or become ill on the job. However, employers should be aware that some special considerations must be taken into account when determining whether a particular medication is covered. For instance, certain medications may require additional paperwork, such as doctor’s notes or authorization from the insurance provider. Furthermore, employers may have to provide evidence of medical necessity if they wish to receive reimbursement for certain drugs like controlled substances and painkillers. 

Conclusion: Understanding Prescription Coverage.

In conclusion, understanding prescription coverage under Workers’ Compensation is complex and varies by state and type of injury. The employer or insurance company responsible for coverage must ensure that the injured worker understands their exact prescription coverage before filling any prescriptions. 

The injured worker should keep careful records of all costs associated with their prescriptions and report any discrepancies or instances of overpayment. Furthermore, they should be aware that not all medications are covered under workers’ compensation and that some may require additional payment from them and reimbursement processes in place for payment eligibility. 

Overall, staying informed about your specific prescription coverage is essential for ensuring you get the medical care you need when dealing with a work-related injury. Knowing what your plan covers allow you to make educated decisions so you can get back to work with the best possible health outcome.

If you have been injured on the job and are having difficulties filing your workers’ compensation claim, contact King Law Firm for assistance.  We’ve been helping North Carolinians for years and can help you too.  

Take the next step and Contact us today!

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Important Questions To Ask An Injury Attorney



After an accident, you should seek medical attention and consult with an experienced personal injury attorney as soon as possible. However, there are many attorneys, and some may be better suited to your case than others. What is the best way to determine which lawyer is the best fit for your case? What can you expect from your case? Are you even entitled to compensation? Make sure you ask the right questions before making any decisions. When seeking legal assistance for a personal injury claim, the following are some questions.



A lawyer, like a physician, specializes in a particular area of law. If you have suffered a personal injury, you will need an attorney specializing in personal injury law.

A lawyer who does not specialize in personal injury should not be consulted if you have been injured because of someone else’s reckless or negligent behavior. In addition, you need an attorney specializing in the type of personal injury you’ve suffered, such as a car accident or slip and fall. Even though most personal injury cases never go to trial, you want an injury lawyer who understands the ins and outs of these cases. 


Every lawyer begins his or her career with little or no legal experience, but you are probably not going to want your personal injury lawyer to gain his or her first legal experience with your case. 

You should hire an experienced attorney who can negotiate and proceed on your behalf. Additionally, you may ask about their previous experience with similar cases here.

Ask the injury attorney if he or she has handled a similar case. An attorney is not permitted to divulge specific information. However, they can share the basics of how the case is handled and the outcome of the case. 

An answer to this question can provide insight into the time and progression of a typical personal injury claim they have worked on similar to your claim. 


A personal injury lawyer’s success rate and the amount recovered for past clients are crucial factors to consider.

Even though few personal injury cases go to trial, you should still ask about their courtroom experiences.

A lawyer must be honest and transparent about how many cases have gone to trial and how many cases he or she has won.

King Law Firm attorneys have a long history of success with a 95% success rate and millions of dollars recovered for clients.


Your case does not require a comprehensive analysis in this instance. In any event, it is always a good idea to ask the personal injury attorney why they believe there is a high likelihood of receiving compensation from the insurance company.

Furthermore, this question allows you to raise any areas of concern that may need to be addressed. The sooner you are aware of any threats to your case, the better.


One of the most important questions you should ask is how a personal injury lawyer would approach your case. Even though they cannot predict what the opposing side will do or how they will respond, they should be able to explain your case to you. 

You can get a good idea of what to expect as your case progresses by asking such a question. 

It is essential that you understand that the longer your case continues, the longer you may have to go without compensation to pay for medical expenses or to cover lost wages. As a result, many insurance companies will attempt to settle the claim as soon as possible.

A good attorney can move your case forward and be open and honest with you throughout the process. 

The answer to this question also provides valuable information about how your attorney will communicate with you and with others.


The majority of personal injury attorneys are paid on a contingency basis, which means that you do not have to pay them anything until you win – and if you win, they receive a portion of the award.

The hourly rate charged by an attorney could result in you paying a lot of money, regardless of whether you win or lose.

It is important that the attorney be willing to explain what the anticipated costs will be. Sometimes, the attorney will request a small retainer to cover anticipated court fees. 

Whether you will pay it on a contingency basis or not, you must understand the cost of proceeding with your case.


You may be able to tell based on the answer to this question whether or not the attorney really cares about getting you the maximum compensation.

If they rarely go to trial, then this may indicate that they are more concerned with getting a payout than fighting for your full compensation.

It is important that you hire an attorney who is willing to go to trial if necessary and who is prepared to win. The last thing you want is to hire an attorney who will only settle cases to avoid a trial. 


It’s important to ask this question because some lawyers will require you to pay for any case-related costs in addition to their contingency fee.

If your case is unsuccessful, ask your personal injury lawyer, who will cover these out-of-pocket expenses. 

At King Law Firm, you pay nothing if we fail to win your case.


Choosing the right personal injury lawyer for your case is important. In some large firms, it is not uncommon for the big-name lawyer to meet with clients before passing the case to an associate. 

Most lawyers are supported by staff while working on a case. However, you would like to know which lawyer will represent you during negotiations and at trial.


Bills pile up and paychecks are missed as your case progresses.

Additionally, you may be interested in knowing how long the legal process will take.

An experienced personal injury lawyer can give you an estimate based on past cases, but it’s not reasonable to expect an exact timeline.


These are just a few questions you should ask your prospective personal injury lawyer. You can discuss many other matters with the lawyers you are considering. It is for this reason that we invite you to schedule a free consultation with us.

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