Can a Father Get Full Child Custody

Can a Father Get Full Child Custody In North Carolina?

by King Law Firm

Can a Father Get Full Child Custody in North Carolina?


Very few fathers have custody of their children. In fact, according to census records, only 17% of custodial parents are fathers. While there may be various reasons fathers are not typically the custodial parent, the courts do not discriminate against dads. As a father, you should not feel discouraged from seeking full custody. Most North Carolina judges try to ensure that decisions being made are in the children’s best interest. While most courts generally favor children continuing a relationship with both parents, it is possible for the father to be granted full custody Whether you’re a dad seeking full or joint custody, you need to do everything you can to prepare for your child custody negotiation. Have one of our experienced North Carolina family attorneys evaluate your situation and help you gather all the right evidence to support your full custody request. Complicated emotions arise from a separation or divorce, don’t add the unnecessary stress of attempting to navigate a custody arrangement alone. Find out how a father can get full custody of a minor in North Carolina.

How Can a Father Get Full Custody of a Minor?


A father has just as much right to file for full custody as a mother. If the child’s father can prove that they can provide basic care and a healthy environment for their child, they can file for full custody. Courts look at several factors to determine if either parent should be granted full custody, such as their ability to provide for the child financially and whether it is in the child’s best interest to be with the parent making the custody request. The lawyers at King Law Firm in North Carolina are ready to assist you in your custody battle.


How to File for Custody in North Carolina


Either parent can file a request for custody at any time so long as there isn’t an order already in place. Parents may decide on their own custody agreement or leave matters up to the judge in court. Before scheduling a trial, the judge will often order parents to attend mediation where couples can work through their custody agreement with the help of a mediator. If the mediation is unsuccessful, a case for trial will be set by the judge. You must file a complaint about custody in order to file for custody, and you can file regardless of marriage to your ex-partner.


If you’re a father who has doubts that your former partner can adequately care for your child and want to file for full custody, here are some factors that can affect a father’s right to be awarded full custody:


  • The fathers current housing situation
  • Paternity
  • The nature of the father’s relationship with the child
  • The father’s financial situation
  • What is in the best interest of the child


Custody decisions in North Carolina will depend on the circumstances of your case. Judges often decide custody by determining what the child’s best interests are, and there is no preference for mothers over fathers in custody cases.

How Can I Improve My Chances for Full Custody if I Haven’t Been a Good Parent?


If you’re a parent with a history of domestic violence, you may have limits placed on your custody rights, such as supervised visits ordered by the judge. Parents who haven’t been present in their children’s lives in the past shouldn’t expect to receive full custody right away and should instead work on spending time demonstrating that they are responsible by spending time with their child, receiving treatment, or counseling for substance abuse issues. No matter the actions you decide to take, overcoming your past will take time, and the judge isn’t going to trust you right away. At King Law Firm, our exceptional family lawyers are prepared to aid you, as a father, in your fight to gain full custody of your child or children.

Put Your Trust in Our Experienced North Carolina Family Lawyers


Our dedicated team of family lawyers is prepared to help you make the best decisions regarding the legal and physical custody of your child. Contact us or call our office at (855) 205-9940 today.