Vicious dog attacking

North Carolina Personal Injury Lawyers

It is not uncommon for the victim of a dog bite to have facial scarring or disfigurement after an attack by a dog. Though we love our four-legged friends, unfortunately, there are times when a moment in the dog park or in your own backyard can turn into your worst nightmare. But we are here to help you get through that difficult time and help you put the pieces of your life back together. Times have changed and laws have provided us with the tools we need to reconstruct our lives after a dog attack or other personal injury caused by an animal.

Physical scarring after a dog attack can cause psychological as well as emotional damage to victims which can last a lifetime. That is why we want to help you be compensated for the tragic incident you’re dealing with today. Facial scarring can affect your quality of life in many ways such as difficulty obtaining work, self-esteem issues, and even cause problems with interacting with family and friends or going out in public.

It may take some time to fully recover from the devastating effects, but a positive outcome can arise from this situation. Now, it’s up to you to make the first move to take control of this matter. Let’s get you informed. The state of North Carolina allows up to 3 years for you to file a claim. Filing a lawsuit can help you regain control of your life by getting the financial help you deserve and need. As you may already know, the procedures to remedy facial scarring can be quite costly. It’s also important for you to know that in some cases reconstructive surgeries and skin grafting can make the scarring barely noticeable. It’s extremely important you find out if you have a case that can lead to funding your surgical and cosmetic procedures. Many victims of dog bites aren’t aware of the laws that protect and serve them. Don’t be a victim of “not knowing your rights.”


As a victim of a personal injury of this nature, you may be entitled to the following benefits:

  • Payment or reimbursement of medical bills and reconstructive surgery
  • Paid time off of work due to the dog bite injury
  • Compensation for pain and suffering
  • Compensation for the traumatic experience

To some, the term “lawsuit” seems intimidating and can scare off victims with thoughts of a long, tedious process. In certain instances, cases can take time, but we handle all the legwork for you and try to bring you to a resolution as fast as possible.  We make the calls, we look for the information, and build your case to win. Our competent attorneys do the work for you which takes the tediousness of the process out of the equation for you.

We, at King Law Firm, commit ourselves to ensuring you have the best representation to make sure you obtain what you deserve. Leave the knowledge of the laws and the paperwork to us. All you have to do is tell us what happened, to the best of your ability, and give us the authorization to do what we do best; fight for you. If your life has been negatively impacted by someone else’s negligence, you should be entitled to financial compensation. Something as simple as removing or fixing a scar can help you move forward in obtaining the best life possible. We have enough challenges to face in our lives, let us help you mend the scarring of this incident. Sometimes knowing you did all you could to help yourself is all you need to move on and regain your power. King Law firm attorneys will be with you every step of the way. Call us now and let’s get started on the rest of your life! 

Contact King Law Firm today to schedule a free consultation at (855) 206-0052