North Carolina Personal Injury Lawyers

A North Carolina man claims that he was injured at a Walmart store. The accident allegedly happened due to the store’s hazardous property conditions, which can typically be grounds for a lawsuit in North Carolina and elsewhere. The man has since sued the store and is seeking a monetary judgment for damages he sustained in the accident.

The man says he was shopping at the retail giant one day and he slipped and fell after stepping on a foreign substance that was on the floor.

The man claimed that, due to the fall he suffered bodily injury and disability. The man also claims he also suffered mental anguish, disfigurement and the loss of capacity to enjoy his life. The man says that he also experienced the loss of his job earnings, the loss of his ability to earn an income. He has acquired the expense of nursing care as well as hospitalization expenses. He also claims the accident   reportedly aggravated a previous medical condition.

The man claims that Walmart is responsible for his injuries primarily because it did not do proper inspections of the store periodically and in a reasonable timely manner. The store is also blamed for not warning the man about the dangerous conditions or hidden dangers.

Any person in North Carolina who has been injured due to a store or  property owner’s negligence has the right to seek financial accountability from the store or property owner through the North Carolina civil court system. If you have been injured due to the negligence of another, contact the King Law Firm today for a free case evaluation.