
Railroad Mesothelioma Cancer Attorneys

Mesothelioma is a type of cancer that affects the thin layer of cells that lines the body’s internal organs. The disease usually manifests in the outer lining of the lungs, but it may also affect the lining of the abdomen, the heart, and the sac surrounding the heart.

What causes mesothelioma on railroads?

Asbestos is the only cause of mesothelioma, and smoking cigarettes has no relation to the disease. There is asbestos on many types of construction sites, including railroads, railways, mines, steel mills, chemical plants, refineries, power plants, shipyards, textile plants, and demolition sites. Asbestos is the most common cause of mesothelioma, but the families of these workers are also at risk. Asbestos particles can be carried home on clothing and skin by workers who work around asbestos particles.

In what ways does mesothelioma manifest itself?

Chest pain and difficulty breathing are the most common symptoms of mesothelioma. Wheezing, hoarseness, weight loss, coughing, fluid around the lungs, coughing up blood, and fatigue are other symptoms.

A doctor should be contacted immediately if you or someone you know has symptoms of mesothelioma or other asbestos-related illnesses. If you have been diagnosed with mesothelioma, contact our firm to schedule a free consultation with a Railroad Mesothelioma Cancer Attorney as soon as possible. It is our goal to represent railroad workers and others who have been injured by the negligence or wrongdoing of their employers and others. The firm’s railroad injury lawyer can assist you in your search for justice and the compensation you deserve to offset the expense of medical care. Train workers are exposed to asbestos, chemical exposure, diesel exhausts, and other causes of injuries. We have vast experience and knowledge in these fields.

More Information On Mesothelioma

During the 1950s, asbestos exposure was linked to cancer. Despite this, many employers, including railroads, exposed their workers to asbestos without protection or warning.

The knowledge of mesothelioma is increasing all the time. In a study published in Environmental Health Perspectives recently, it was found that there were more mesothelioma deaths in industrialized countries owing to the high use of asbestos. The same study found 15 – 20% of mesothelioma cases went unreported. For more information about these diseases and the potential consequences, it is best to contact a seasoned mesothelioma attorney.

Get in touch with our Railroad Mesothelioma Cancer Attorneys today

The risk of asbestos exposure for railroad workers is high. No matter what your occupation or job title is, asbestos exposure increases your chances of getting mesothelioma. You can turn to our firm if this has caused you to suffer in your current or previous employment.

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How Are Railroad Employees Exposed To Lead?

Various aspects of railroad work can expose railroad workers to lead. For example, lead paint, which is now outlawed, is still present on many railroad bridges, structures, and other equipment. When welding metal locomotive or train car parts, welders may also encounter poisonous lead.

Disturbing or removing lead paint can cause lead particles to become airborne and rub off on workers’ hands. As a result, workers can breathe in and ingest lead, as well as transfer lead dust from their hands to their mouths through smoke, eating, and drinking. Lead particles that are small are easier for workers to absorb into their lungs and bloodstream.

Train workers can bring lead dust home on their hands, equipment, and clothes, which puts their families at risk. Workers who don’t shower and remove all clothing and tools before going home put children and pregnant women at risk. So, it’s imperative that you take necessary precautions to keep others from getting lead poisoning.

How Does Lead Exposure Affect Our Health?

Short-term exposure to railroad lead can lead to flu-like symptoms, including stomach cramps, fatigue, headaches, and muscle or joint pain. By identifying and eliminating lead exposure, workers may be able to reverse these effects.

Constant exposure can lead to nerve damage, brain damage, kidney damage, high blood pressure, and even congenital disabilities and reproductive problems.

Workers who suffer from prolonged lead exposure may be entitled to compensation from their employers. Depending on the situation, injured workers may have a valid claim if their employers exposed them to lead unnecessarily. Injury victims can seek damages from their employers with the help of a railroad lead poisoning attorney.

Railroad workers’ FELA and negligence claims

For railroad workers, the Federal Employers’ Liability Act (FELA) is the exclusive remedy for on-the-job injuries and illnesses. State workers’ compensation benefits are not available to them; instead, they must file FELA claims. Injury victims must prove negligent conduct on the part of their employers to claim benefits, unlike with the no-fault worker’s compensation system.

The employers of railroad workers could be held responsible for exposing them to lead in a number of ways using various methods. Here are some examples:

  • Failure to provide workers with adequate safety gear to prevent exposure
  • Exposing workers without adequate ventilation to lead point in confined spaces
  • Not establishing and implementing safety protocols to minimize lead exposure

In the event of a finding of negligence, workers may be entitled to compensation for their injuries or illnesses. Whether or not they are able to work, the damages may provide them with much-needed medical care and income.

Contact a Railroad Lead Exposure Attorney Today

The best course of action if you believe you were exposed to lead while working for a railroad is to seek medical attention for a physical examination and blood tests. A railroad lead exposure lawyer may be able to evaluate your claim once your doctor confirms the presence of lead. To make the process go more smoothly, prompt action can be taken to get a medical diagnosis and initiate a claim for damages under FELA.

An injury or illness caused by work is devastating. Defending your rights to benefits may enable you to improve the financial position of your family. To learn more about your legal rights and options, please contact us now.

If you or a member of your family has been injured or diagnosed with a railroad related disease, Please contact one of the members of our team if you have any questions. Call (855) 205-9689 or fill out or short contact form