
The Dangers of Distracted Drivers

The Dangers of Distracted Drivers

The Dangers of Distracted Drivers: Your Right to Safety and How King Law Firm Can Help


In our fast-paced society, technology is constantly tempting us with distractions while we strive to stay focused on the road. Every moment, drivers face the temptation to glance at their phones, adjust their music, or even take a bite of their sandwich. However, in a split second, everything can change. 


Distracted driving is a dangerous behavior that has resulted in accidents in North Carolina and beyond. If you or someone dear to you has suffered injuries due to a driver, it is crucial to understand your rights and how a personal injury attorney at King Law Firm can support you in pursuing your injury claim.


Understanding the Concept of Distracted Driving


Firstly, let’s delve into the complexity surrounding driving. The term ” driving” encompasses any activity that diverts one’s attention from the act of driving itself and can be categorized into three types;


Visual Distraction: This refers to taking your eyes off the road.


Manual Distraction: This pertains to taking your hands off the steering wheel.


Cognitive Distraction: This entails diverting your focus from what you’re doing.


While some activities fall into these categories, such as eating, tuning the radio, or engaging in conversations with passengers, the concerning form of distraction in recent times has been the usage of smartphones. Texting while driving combines all three distractions, making it extremely dangerous.


The. Figures


The data surrounding driving is both alarming and enlightening. According to the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration, within a year, 3,142 individuals died in driving accidents in the United States. However, these figures should not be reduced to numbers; they represent people—mothers, fathers, children, friends, and neighbors—whose lives were tragically cut short or forever impacted.


In North Carolina, the situation is equally disheartening. With its cities and picturesque roads, our state has witnessed a surge in accidents caused by drivers who fail to focus on the road ahead. The sporadic nature of incidents— unexpected spikes—makes it crucial for drivers to remain vigilant.


How a Personal Injury Attorney Can Help


When an unthinkable event occurs, and a driver’s actions injure you or your loved ones, it is natural to feel overwhelmed and unsure about your course of action. This is where King Law Firm can assist you.


Collecting Evidence: Proving that the other driver was not entirely focused during the accident can be quite a task. Our experienced team of injury lawyers will gather all the evidence, including phone records and witness statements, to establish who is at fault.

Dealing with Insurance Companies: Insurance companies often try to minimize compensation payments. Our skilled attorneys have expertise in negotiating with these companies to ensure you receive compensation for lost wages and other damages.


Understanding North Carolina Laws: Each state has its set of laws regarding distracted driving and personal injury claims. Our attorneys are well-versed in North Carolina’s regulations and will handle your case with attention to detail.


Preparation for Trial: Our team is prepared to take your case to court if negotiations do not result in a settlement. We will represent you with unwavering determination and fight for the outcome.

Your Role in the Claims Process

While our team at King Law Firm takes care of the aspects, there are steps you can take to contribute towards building a case;


Seeking Medical Attention: It is crucial to seek medical evaluation after an accident, even if your injuries seem minor. Doing so will ensure your well-being and provide essential documentation that strengthens your case.


It’s essential to document everything related to the accident, including taking photos of the scene and keeping a record of your emotional condition afterward. Every little detail can be crucial for your case.


Be cautious when discussing the accident with anyone. Remember that anything you say could be used against you.


In conclusion 

The roads in North Carolina should be safe for everyone, not where innocent drivers suffer due to someone’s Negligence. However, in situations like this, knowing you’re not alone is important. King Law Firm is here to fight for your rights and ensure justice is served. They will work tirelessly to ensure you receive compensation for your pain, suffering, and losses.

Distracted driving is not a mistake; it’s a conscious decision with severe consequences. If you’ve been affected by such a choice, let King Law Firm guide you through the complexities of injury law with their dedication, expertise, and compassion.

Call Now To Schedule A Free Consultation

(800) 635-1683

Understanding the Role of Insurance Companies in Personal Injury Claims

Understanding the Role of Insurance Companies in Personal Injury Claims<br />

Understanding the Role of Insurance Companies in Personal Injury Claims

by King Law Firm

Understanding the Role of Insurance Companies in Personal Injury Claims

Dealing with injury claims can be quite overwhelming, especially when you’re facing injuries, distress and financial burdens. King Law Firm, a personal injury law firm based in North Carolina, has been assisting clients for over three decades by providing guidance and expertise throughout this process. One crucial aspect of personal injury claims revolves around insurance companies. It’s vital to comprehend their role to ensure compensation.

Explaining the Role of Insurance Companies

Insurance companies operate as businesses with the objective of making profits. They collect premiums from policyholders. Promise to cover losses or damages that may occur. In case an accident happens it is the responsibility of the insurance company representing the party at fault to compensate for any resulting damages.

However it’s important to keep in mind that while insurance companies may present themselves as being on your side their ultimate allegiance lies in maximizing their line. Their aim is to minimize claim payouts much as possible to maximize profitability.

Evaluation Process for Personal Injury Claims by Insurance Companies


Determining Liability; Initially the insurance company will assess who bears responsibility for the accident.

If they determine that their policyholder is, at fault they will then evaluate the value of the claim.

When examining records the reviewers will carefully go through all the documents and treatment plans to fully understand the extent of the injuries and estimate the associated costs. Insurance adjusters may question treatments that they consider unnecessary highlighting how important it is to have documentation, in cases.

In situations where injuries require treatment projected costs for expenses will be calculated.

Assessing non damages involves evaluating losses like pain, suffering, mental distress and a decrease, in quality of life.

The insurance company takes into account the policy limits. Even if the damages surpass these limits they are only obligated to pay up to a predetermined amount specified in the policy.

Insurance companies often employ tactics aiming to reduce payouts. Some common strategies include;


  1. Offering settlement amounts; They may present victims with an offer that may seem fair but might not adequately address their rights. They hope that individuals dealing with bills and lost wages will accept without understanding their entitlements.


  1. Questioning treatments; An adjuster might argue that certain medical treatments were unnecessary or dispute the severity of claimed injuries.

Assigning blame;

They might suggest that the victim shares some responsibility, either partially or entirely so as to minimize or eliminate their obligation to provide compensation.

How King Law Firm Can Provide Assistance

With more than thirty years of experience dealing with personal injury claims in North Carolina, King Law Firm has an understanding of how to navigate the complexities involved in dealing with insurance companies. Here’s what we can do to help;

Accurate Assessment; We ensure that we thoroughly evaluate all future damages when filing a claim.

Negotiation; We counter lowball offers and arguments put forth by adjusters to ensure that our clients receive the compensation they deserve.

Enforcing Compliance; Insurance companies have obligations. We closely monitor their actions to ensure they adhere to practices.


Legal Representation in Court; If reaching a settlement through negotiation becomes challenging we are fully prepared to represent our clients in court.

While insurance companies play a role in handling injury claims their main objective tends to revolve around serving their interests. Navigating their tactics and understanding the intricacies of the process can be overwhelming. However, King Law Firm possesses the expertise and unwavering dedication needed to protect clients rights and secure them the compensation they deserve. Contact our office today for a 100% Free Consultation. 

Call Now To Schedule A Free Consultation

(800) 635-1683

The Importance of Gathering Evidence After an Auto Accident

The Importance of Gathering Evidence After an Auto Accident

The Importance of Gathering Evidence After an Auto Accident

by King Law Firm

The Importance of Gathering Evidence After an Auto Accident

Every year, millions of drivers experience some type of auto accident. While your first thoughts might revolve around your immediate safety and well-being, the minutes and hours following a collision become crucial for another reason: gathering evidence. This evidence will play a significant role should you decide to pursue compensation or find yourself defending against a claim. In this article, we’ll delve into the importance of collecting evidence post-crash and provide practical tips on doing it right.

Why Evidence Matters

Simply put, evidence is the foundation of any accident claim. It provides:

Proof of Fault: While you might have a clear memory of what happened, memories can be subjective. Concrete evidence can substantiate your account, pinpointing who was at fault.


Documentation of Damages: Whether it’s damage to your vehicle or physical injuries, evidence provides a record that can be used to evaluate compensation.


Protection Against Fraud: Unfortunately, some individuals might exaggerate claims or even stage accidents. Having solid evidence can shield you against false accusations.

2. Types of Evidence to Gather

Photographs and Videos: Use your smartphone or a camera to capture multiple angles of the scene, vehicle damages, skid marks, traffic signals, and any visible injuries. These visuals can be invaluable in painting a clear picture of the accident scene.


Witness Accounts: If there are bystanders or other drivers who witnessed the accident, get their contact information. Their testimonies can provide an unbiased account of the events.


Police Reports: If the police arrive on the scene, they’ll create a report. This report might include crucial details and potentially even the officer’s determination of fault.


Medical Records: If you sustain injuries, it’s imperative to seek medical attention promptly. These records will document the extent of your injuries, required treatments, and associated costs.


Personal Notes: As soon as you’re able, jot down everything you remember about the incident. Over time, certain details might become fuzzy, so having a written account from right after the accident can be very helpful.

3. The Role of Technology

Many modern vehicles come equipped with dash cams or other recording devices. If your car has one, ensure the footage is saved. Similarly, some intersections or establishments might have CCTV cameras that captured the incident. Requesting this footage promptly is essential since many systems overwrite old data after a set period.

 4. The Evidence and Insurance Companies 

When filing a claim, the evidence you present can directly influence the compensation you receive. Insurance adjusters will examine the evidence to determine the legitimacy and value of your claim. The more comprehensive and clear your evidence, the harder it becomes for insurance companies to undervalue or deny your claim.

5. Legal Implications

In situations where you might need to take legal action or defend against a lawsuit, the evidence you’ve gathered becomes your primary ally. Courts and juries rely heavily on tangible evidence. The presence or absence of strong evidence can sway the direction of legal proceedings, influencing verdicts and settlements.

6. How to Store and Organize Evidence

Now that you’ve gathered your evidence, it’s crucial to store and organize it properly:

Digital Storage: Make digital backups of photographs, videos, and any scanned documents. Cloud storage or external hard drives can be beneficial.


Physical Copies: Print photos, keep copies of medical bills, repair estimates, and any other relevant paperwork in a safe place.


Maintain a Timeline: Create a timeline of events, from the accident to medical appointments and any other related occurrences. This can help streamline your claim process and is especially useful when dealing with legal proceedings.

7. When to Seek Professional Help

There might be situations where gathering evidence becomes challenging. Perhaps you’re dealing with severe injuries, or maybe the accident scene was chaotic, making it tough to collect information. In such cases, considering professional help – like hiring a personal injury attorney – can be invaluable. They can assist in collecting further evidence, liaising with experts, and ensuring your rights are upheld throughout the process.


While the immediate aftermath of a crash can be overwhelming, understanding the profound importance of gathering evidence can motivate you to act swiftly and meticulously. This evidence doesn’t just validate your account; it empowers you, ensuring you’re treated fairly by insurance companies and the legal system.  

Accident Victims: if you’ve been injured due to another person’s negligence, our experienced injury lawyers have been helping North Carolina Accident victims for over three decades. Put our experience to work on your accident case. Contact King Law Firm today for a Free Consultation.

Call Now To Schedule A Free Consultation

(800) 635-1683

Important Questions To Ask An Injury Attorney



After an accident, you should seek medical attention and consult with an experienced personal injury attorney as soon as possible. However, there are many attorneys, and some may be better suited to your case than others. What is the best way to determine which lawyer is the best fit for your case? What can you expect from your case? Are you even entitled to compensation? Make sure you ask the right questions before making any decisions. When seeking legal assistance for a personal injury claim, the following are some questions.



A lawyer, like a physician, specializes in a particular area of law. If you have suffered a personal injury, you will need an attorney specializing in personal injury law.

A lawyer who does not specialize in personal injury should not be consulted if you have been injured because of someone else’s reckless or negligent behavior. In addition, you need an attorney specializing in the type of personal injury you’ve suffered, such as a car accident or slip and fall. Even though most personal injury cases never go to trial, you want an injury lawyer who understands the ins and outs of these cases. 


Every lawyer begins his or her career with little or no legal experience, but you are probably not going to want your personal injury lawyer to gain his or her first legal experience with your case. 

You should hire an experienced attorney who can negotiate and proceed on your behalf. Additionally, you may ask about their previous experience with similar cases here.

Ask the injury attorney if he or she has handled a similar case. An attorney is not permitted to divulge specific information. However, they can share the basics of how the case is handled and the outcome of the case. 

An answer to this question can provide insight into the time and progression of a typical personal injury claim they have worked on similar to your claim. 


A personal injury lawyer’s success rate and the amount recovered for past clients are crucial factors to consider.

Even though few personal injury cases go to trial, you should still ask about their courtroom experiences.

A lawyer must be honest and transparent about how many cases have gone to trial and how many cases he or she has won.

King Law Firm attorneys have a long history of success with a 95% success rate and millions of dollars recovered for clients.


Your case does not require a comprehensive analysis in this instance. In any event, it is always a good idea to ask the personal injury attorney why they believe there is a high likelihood of receiving compensation from the insurance company.

Furthermore, this question allows you to raise any areas of concern that may need to be addressed. The sooner you are aware of any threats to your case, the better.


One of the most important questions you should ask is how a personal injury lawyer would approach your case. Even though they cannot predict what the opposing side will do or how they will respond, they should be able to explain your case to you. 

You can get a good idea of what to expect as your case progresses by asking such a question. 

It is essential that you understand that the longer your case continues, the longer you may have to go without compensation to pay for medical expenses or to cover lost wages. As a result, many insurance companies will attempt to settle the claim as soon as possible.

A good attorney can move your case forward and be open and honest with you throughout the process. 

The answer to this question also provides valuable information about how your attorney will communicate with you and with others.


The majority of personal injury attorneys are paid on a contingency basis, which means that you do not have to pay them anything until you win – and if you win, they receive a portion of the award.

The hourly rate charged by an attorney could result in you paying a lot of money, regardless of whether you win or lose.

It is important that the attorney be willing to explain what the anticipated costs will be. Sometimes, the attorney will request a small retainer to cover anticipated court fees. 

Whether you will pay it on a contingency basis or not, you must understand the cost of proceeding with your case.


You may be able to tell based on the answer to this question whether or not the attorney really cares about getting you the maximum compensation.

If they rarely go to trial, then this may indicate that they are more concerned with getting a payout than fighting for your full compensation.

It is important that you hire an attorney who is willing to go to trial if necessary and who is prepared to win. The last thing you want is to hire an attorney who will only settle cases to avoid a trial. 


It’s important to ask this question because some lawyers will require you to pay for any case-related costs in addition to their contingency fee.

If your case is unsuccessful, ask your personal injury lawyer, who will cover these out-of-pocket expenses. 

At King Law Firm, you pay nothing if we fail to win your case.


Choosing the right personal injury lawyer for your case is important. In some large firms, it is not uncommon for the big-name lawyer to meet with clients before passing the case to an associate. 

Most lawyers are supported by staff while working on a case. However, you would like to know which lawyer will represent you during negotiations and at trial.


Bills pile up and paychecks are missed as your case progresses.

Additionally, you may be interested in knowing how long the legal process will take.

An experienced personal injury lawyer can give you an estimate based on past cases, but it’s not reasonable to expect an exact timeline.


These are just a few questions you should ask your prospective personal injury lawyer. You can discuss many other matters with the lawyers you are considering. It is for this reason that we invite you to schedule a free consultation with us.

ARE YOU READY TO DISCUSS YOUR CASE? Get in touch with us today.



Having a Registered nurse as part of your legal team can be very beneficial

Having a Registered nurse as part of your legal team can be very beneficial

law firm registered nurse benefits

by King Law Firm

Having a Registered Nurse as part of your legal team can be very beneficial.

Not every personal injury law firm employs a registered nurse, but at King Law Firm, our Registered Nurse and Attorney, Caroline Cusick Crawford, is an integral part of our team and a valuable resource for our clients. 

What Is the Role of the Law Firm Nurse?

Although our nurse does not treat clients, she is often integral to their physical and legal recovery. Meet our Registered Nurse and Attorney, Caroline Cusick Crawford. Her role as a Registered Nurse includes but is not limited to: 

  • Conducts a thorough review of medical records in a timely and efficient manner. Medical records are important to the client for several reasons. A client seeking a financial recovery through the legal system after an accident will need to demonstrate how extensive the harm was done was, and prove that those injuries were caused as a result of the accident; this allows the justice system to attempt to value these injuries. We have an on-staff nurse who is willing to assist our attorneys and clients in this regard. In addition, many doctors’ appointments are rushed, which can make it difficult to remember all of your questions. In addition to their professional advice, a staff nurse can advise you on when you should follow up with your doctor, whether you should consult with other specialists, and what questions you should ask your treating physician.
  • Provides personal service to clients, assisting them to understand what the future may hold following their injuries.
  • Contributes to case discovery and expert witness work. Nursing experts know how to ask questions, demand answers, and communicate with patients.

Depending on the nature of your injury, one or more of these responsibilities may be beneficial to you if you were injured by a defective medical product, victims of medical malpractice, injured in a serious motor vehicle accident, or suffered from another form of negligence. 

Caroline Cusick Crawford, Registered Nurse & Attorney at Law

Caroline Cusick Crawford is both an Attorney at Law (JD) and a Registered Nurse (RN).  She studied law at Campbell University School of Law in Raleigh. Caroline’s nursing background and understanding of health-related matters equip her with compassion and insight as she counsels clients who are coping with family challenges, the loss of loved ones, planning for their futures, or addressing serious injury and end-of-life concerns. Caroline’s academic training includes a Bachelor of Arts in Communication/Journalism from East Carolina University, an Associate of Science in Nursing from Nash Community College, a Master of Nursing and a Master of Healthcare Administration-Informatics from the University of Phoenix, and a Juris Doctorate from Campbell University’s School of Law.  

Caroline and the entire team at King Law Firm can help you get the compensation and benefits you deserve.

Our team is very fortunate to have Caroline as part of it, as she works on every case where her expertise can be useful. At King Law firm, we approach every client the same way. Each of our attorneys, paralegals, nurses, and other staff members is involved in each case. We are committed to utilizing all of our resources, including our staff nurse, in order to focus on each individual case and to provide each individual client with the attention and care necessary to recover as fully as possible following an injury. 

Contact King Law Firm today for a free case consultation by calling: (855) 206-0052


What Are You Entitled to after a Car Accident

What Are You Entitled to after a Car Accident north carolina

What Are You Entitled to after a Car Accident?

Following a motor vehicle accident that takes place in North Carolina, there are several items of damage that you may be eligible to pursue via settlement or filing a personal injury lawsuit. First, you may be able to receive compensation for the property damage sustained to your motor vehicle. Second, you may be able to pursue compensation for all of your out-of-pocket costs that are related to the accident. Lastly, you may be able to make a claim for noneconomic damages like pain and suffering and punitive damages, in some cases.

The knowledgeable legal team at King Law Firm can help you pursue the recovery you need following a motor vehicle accident that was not your fault.

Property Damage

Motor vehicle accidents can result in property damage to all involved vehicles. In some instances, the accident victim may suffer only minor damage to his or her vehicle. In other cases, however, the accident victim’s vehicle may be totaled. In either case, the accident victim may be able to make a claim for property damages or repair costs that resulted from an accident that was caused by someone else’s negligence.

Economic and Noneconomic Damages

Economic damages are in place to compensate an accident victim for all of his or her out-of-pocket costs that are associated with the accident. In order to be eligible for economic and noneconomic  damages, the accident victim must be able to show that another driver’s negligence caused the accident and that this accident resulted in various personal injuries and damages.

In terms of economic damages, the accident victim may be able to recover compensation for lost earnings, as well as damages for medical treatment, physical therapy, and any related surgical procedures.

Noneconomic damages are those types of damages that are not quantifiable in terms of an exact number. For example, if the accident victim suffered one or more serious injuries in the accident, he or she may be able to make a claim for all of the pain, suffering, and inconvenience which he or she experienced as a result of the accident-related injuries. Moreover, the accident victim may be able to make a claim for diminished earning capacity, loss of family support, emotional anguish, or mental distress that stemmed from the accident.

The primary purpose of both economic and noneconomic damages following a motor vehicle accident is to make the accident victim whole, to the greatest extent possible. Although money is oftentimes a poor substitute for the inability to perform a specific activity or bodily function due to an injury, it is the only available means of compensation in motor vehicle accident cases. 

Punitive Damages

The purpose of punitive damages is to punish an at-fault motor vehicle driver who causes an accident. Punitive damages may be available to an accident victim in cases where the at-fault driver was intoxicated or engaged in some other egregious behavior that led to the accident.

Call a North Carolina Personal Injury Lawyer Today

At the King Law Firm, our knowledgeable legal team can assist you with pursuing the maximum amount of monetary recovery available to you in your personal injury case. To schedule a free case evaluation and legal consultation with an experienced North Carolina personal injury attorney, please call us at (855) 205-9938 or contact us online today.